Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Motivation: Query a Day

Jen Leo wrote about this over on Written Road, but I thought it was worth re-mentioning. Fellow freelance writer, Donna Talarico created a blog to document her experience getting published. Follow her through acceptances, rejections, bylines, and accomplishing her goal. The goal? Send out a query letter a day.

Which raises an interesting question: What are your goals? And, more importantly, what are you doing to achieve them? Could you research, write, and send a query a day? Personally, her blog has motivated me to create new goals. World Hum and National Geographic Traveler here I come!

1 comment:

Query-A-Day said...

Hey there! Thanks so much for the link to my blog. It is so awesome to know that there is this online community of freelancers supporting each other. Your site has some great resources. Keep it up!